A group of women pilots from World War II, known as the WASP's (Women Air Force Service Pilots) may soon gain the right to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

The U.S Senate and the House of Representatives passed legislation late Tuesday night, May 9, in an attempt to change a prior decision by Secretary of the Arm John McHugh, to revoke inurnment privileges due to space constraints. Montana Senator Steve Daines, who co-sponsored the bill,  is celebrating its passing through the legislative branch of government .

"This is a wrong that needed to be made right" said Daines at a press release. "I'm proud to be part of restoring benefits to our WWII women pilots who trained right here in Montana."

S.2437, Women  Air Force Service Pilot Arlington Inurnment Restoration Act of 2016, was sponsored by Maryland Senator, Barbra Mikulski, in early January to Senate by in early January and with a unanimous passage by the senate, has now reach the hands of President Obama. Bill would ensure that the cremated remains of the WASPS would be buried in Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors.


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