Saturday Memorial Near Kalispell to Honor Fallen Patrolmen with Memorial Signs
Memorial signs commemorating a legacy and sacrifice of Patrolmen Hedstrom and Ren, who were both killed in the line of duty in Montana, will be placed roadside on Saturday at the location where each officer was killed.
"At 11 a.m. on Saturday, Attorney General Fox and Chief Administrator Colonel Tom Butler will dedicate a memorial highway sign in honor of Trooper Richard Hedstrom who was killed many years ago," Anastasia Burton with Attorney General Tim Fox’s office said. "It's going to be located on U.S. 93 between mile marker 108 and 110 in the Twin Acres/Kalispell area."
Burton said at 1 p.m., another memorial sign will be dedicated to Partrolman Michael Ren located on U.S. 93 between mile marker 174 and 178 near Eureka.
"Highway Patrol did work with the Department of Transportation to go ahead and get designs fabricated and put up," Burton said. "I think it will be a very good way to honor both of the troopers who were killed in the line of duty."
Burton said each road sign will be green with the troopers name on them, a highway patrol logo in addition to the patrolman’s badge number.