President Trump Signs USMCA Deal; Montana Congressmen in Attendance
President Trump signed the United States-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade agreement into effect on the morning of January 29, with three Montana Congressmen in attendance to applaud the deal. The bipartisan USMCA trade deal has replaced NAFTA as a revised agreement to encourage free and fair trade between the three North American nations.
At the signing ceremony on Wednesday morning, US Senator Steve Daines, US House Representative Greg Gianforte, and Montana Senator Mike Cuffe were present to demonstrate their support for the trade agreement.
In a video clip before the signing ceremony, Daines stated, “Congressman Gianforte and I are on our way to the White House. It’s a big day for Montana agriculture; we’ll have Senator Cuffe of Eureka, Montana with us. The US-Mexico-Canada trade agreement--Greg, thanks for getting it passed in the House, it’s passed in the Senate, and now it’s off to President Trump.”
In the video, Gianforte added, “we’re excited to be headed over to the White House; again, big day for Montana agriculture, [as we] get this deal signed so we can get more Montana products shipped to Canada and Mexico.”
Daines said in a second video clip before the ceremony, “I’m here with Montana State Senator Mike Cuffe of Eureka, Montana. Mike, we’re headed to the White House; exciting moment with this US-Mexico Canada trade agreement. It’s a big deal.”
Cuffe responded, “extremely exciting. It’s a boomer deal for all of North America, including my little border town of Eureka, Montana, up in the Northwest corner.”
The trade deal should help Montana grain growers, oil, and agriculture industries, as well as small businesses. It also includes updated protections for digital trade and intellectual property.
“We’re looking forward to heading to the White House just in a few minutes to be with President Trump as he signs his most historic trade agreement,” Daines added.
“And thank you, Steve, for helping push this thing over the hill,” Senator Cuffe stated, thanking Senator Daines for his work in the Senate.
After the signing ceremony, Daines released another video clip to show his support for the passage of the deal.
“Just finished watching President Trump sign the historic US-Mexico-Canada trade agreement at the White House,” Daines said. “Great to be here with Greg Gianforte and Mike Cuffe, and it’s a great day for Montana’s farmers and ranchers.”
“I’m proud to be here with my friends who have traveled up and through the northwest corner where we have a lot of trade going on with Canada,” Cuffe said. “And thank you to Senator Daines and Congressman Gianforte, and thank you Donald Trump for the good job again.”
Full details about the USMCA trade agreement can be found on the USMCA webpage.