Movie ‘Show Dogs’ Pulled and Edited over Controversial Scenes
The National Center for Exploitation has forced some movie theaters to pull the children’s movie ‘Show Dogs’ stating that parts of the movie can groom children for sexual abuse.
Patrick Trueman, President of the National Center for Exploitation, and former chief of the U.S. Justice Department Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section in the Criminal Division in Washington, D.C. said some scenes in the movie mirror methods that child abusers use in seducing their victims.
“Several scenes in the movie urge the dog to allow his genitals to be touched,” said Trueman. “Another dog tells him that to advance in the show, and to rescue a panda that has been kidnapped, you have to let someone handle their genitals. There are these practice sessions where the dog’s handler tries to handle his genitals and the dog is very uncomfortable, so the other dog tells him ‘just to go to your happy place’ and let it happen.”
Trueman said the scenes send a dangerous message to children.
“Children in the audience are going to get the message that it’s OK for someone to handle their private parts, but if you’re uncomfortable, just let your mind go somewhere else,” he said. “This is exactly the kind of activity that a pedophile will have with a child. They will assure the child that everything is all right, but that it’s our secret. Seeing this message in a theater with their parents or grandparents ratifies the message to a child that this is acceptable behavior.”
The organization is asking for the movie to be pulled from screens all over the U.S. This has already occurred in Australia, and there are reports that the film’s distributor has edited those scenes out of the movie.
KGVO News contacted the local AMC theater chain where ‘Show Dogs’ is playing, but a representative said they could not comment, and provided a number for the AMC Media Liaison. After several attempts, KGVO has received no reply.