Moms Demand Action – Wear Orange on Gun Violence Awareness Day
Missoula Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense is asking people to wear orange to commemorate National Gun Violence Awareness Day on Saturday, June 2, but has events planned for both Friday and Saturday.
Co-leader of Missoula Moms Demand Action, Dannette Fadness, explained the genesis of National Gun Violence Awareness Day.
“June 2nd is the 4th annual National Gun Violence Awareness Day,” said Fadness. “It’s in honor of Hadiya Pendleton who was killed in 2013 in Chicago, and her friends started wearing orange in her honor. On Friday night throughout the country, landmarks will be lit up in orange. Here in Missoula, we’re asking people to wear orange and climb in a procession up to the ‘M’ and bring a flashlight. We’ll provide some orange cellophane so we can light up the ‘M’ in orange when it gets dark at about 10:00 p.m.”
Other events on Friday include:
First Friday Goes Orange: Janette Rankin Peace Center display and activities--learn more about gun violence and how to prevent it. Missoula Businesses Go Orange: 60+ businesses will be going Orange in honor of gun violence victims and survivors, with prizes for best orange display and best orange costume, plus the Fight for Missoula Lives--Student Art display at the Carousel: 5-7PM.
On Saturday, some of the events will include:free carousel rides at the Carousel of Missoula from 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; face painting, a giant Jenga, plus the City of Missoula’s Proclamation recognizing National Gun Violence Awareness Day.
Get more information on the group's Facebook page.