Officials from Missoula County Public Schools and the Missoula Education Association announced on Tuesday, that the two sides have tentatively reached a one-year contract agreement.

Gary Stein is a teacher at Missoula Sentinel High School and a current vice-president for the Missoula Education Association, the union that represents 670 certified educators in the district. Stein says the agreement was reached on Thursday, May 23.

"The most significant change is a three percent increase in pay on the base, which means that everybody who teaches in the district receives a three percent increase," Stein said. "There are also increases for teachers in what are called steps and lanes, involving their ability to move through the salary schedule based on years of service and on graduate college credits earned, so some people will receive a larger increase than three percent."

Stein said the agreement must still be voted on by members of the union.

"The agreement will go up for a ratification vote of the members next week, and by Friday, June 7, we should know the outcome of that ratification vote," Stein said.

Gary Stein, Missoula Education Association


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