Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - The City of Missoula is sponsoring its first-ever ‘Name the Snowplow’ contest.

I spoke with Lori Hart, Communications Specialist for the City of Missoula’s Public Works and Mobility Department about the inaugural contest to name three of the city’s hard-working snowplows.

“We're kicking off today our ‘Name Our Snowplows’ contest,” began Hart. “We haven't done this in Missoula before that I am aware of. We are going to name three of our snow plows on our fleet and all the information is out on the city's Engage Missoula website.”

Of course, the city has far more than just three snowplows, but Hart said they want to stretch the contest out over several years.

“Well, we thought we'd ease into it, since this is our first year, we decided to go with three, and then we hope to continue it on,” she said. “So next year, we'll name another three and so on, until we get all 22 of them named.”

Hart described the simple way to take part in this fun, lighthearted contest.

“They'll go to the Engage Missoula website,” she said. “Then all of the instructions are on the page, and we just need everybody to scroll down to the bottom of the page, and there's a button that says, ‘Enter snow plow name’. We’ll need a little bit of information there, the name of the person who's submitting it, and then a phone number for them, so that we can contact the winners of the contest.”

Hart provided more important information about the parameters of the ‘Name the Snowplow’ contest.

“January 12 is the last day to submit name ideas,” she said. “From then, we're going to pare down the list about 15, and internally, we'll have a group of city employees take a look at them and decide on that top 15. Then we're going to go back to the ‘Engage Missoula’ website, and then the button at the bottom will be a voting button, and then people can go on there and vote for their favorite.”

Hart said the city just wanted to have a little fun as the winter season officially begins.

Click here to read about another iconic snow-moving machine that’s being put out to pasture.

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Gallery Credit: Nick Chrestenson

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