Missoula Honored as 7th Best Run City in the USA by WalletHub
The financial website WalletHub has determined that Missoula, Montana is the 7th best run city in the United States.
Analyst Jill Gonzalez summed up the statistics that WalletHub gathered about the Garden City.
“We’re essentially comparing the quality of services given by the city government,” said Gonzalez. “We’re comparing that to the city’s per capita budget, and that shows us at least how efficiently the city is using its money, so by comparing the budget to the services that’s how we see hoe well a city is run.”
Gonzalez added more factors as to how they determined that Missoula is in the top 10 in the country.
“Just in terms of the quality of city services, we’re talking about things like everything from graduation rates to the quality of roads, to unemployment and crime rates,” she said. “All of the things like police or other services that are provided by the city.”
Gonzalez said Missoula also does a good job in managing its finances.
“Missoula does a pretty good job in terms of its city services,” she said. “Especially when it comes to things like financial stability, and when it comes to health and safety, and it does all of that with a pretty small budget. They’re providing high quality services and yet not charging an arm and a leg for them in the form of taxes.”
Gonzales was even more impressed with the management of the city when she learned that the State of Montana does not have a sales tax.
She said that Billings was selected as the 15th best run city in the U.S.
The top two were both in Idaho, number two being Boise and number one; Nampa.