Missoula Flag Day Celebrations, Who Has The Biggest Flag?
On Thursday evening, there will be a flag retirement ceremony in the field just north of the Western Montana State Veterans Cemetery, organizer Susan Campbell Reneau explains.
“We are going to retire about 500 tattered flags on Thursday, June 14, which is Flag Day,” Reneau said. “We are going to do a lovely pre ceremony with the history of the flag and the history of Flag Day.”
After that, the tattered flags will be ceremonially burned. Reneau says there has been an ongoing biggest flag competition above Missoula businesses.
“University Motors has the largest flag in Missoula next to Perkins,” Reneau said. “The two of them kind of go back and forth. Because Tim Hubbard recently died and was one of our dearest friends and biggest supporters of veterans and patriotism, we are going to dedicate our Flag Day ceremony to him this year.”
U.S. flags can be brought to the American Legion or VFW offices in Missoula, or to either of the Missoula Textile locations before Flag Day. The ceremony will begin at 7 o’clock on June 14th in honor of the anniversary of the date that the second Continental Congress issued the Flag Resolution that described the original look of the flag. That resolution was issued on June 14, 1777.