Missoula County Public Schools Begin Kindergarten Registration April 8 [AUDIO]
Sending kids off to school for the very first time begins officially on April 8, with kindergarten registration at Missoula County Public Schools.
Director of Technology and Communications for MCPS Hatton Littman, said parents of kindergarten age children may already have received some information in the mail.
"Some parents may have already received registration packets through their preschool or their daycare agency," Littman said. "Registration information is also available at all our District One schools, and at our central administrative office. This is a process where parents provide information about their child to the school district, such as immunization records and birth certificates, and sign up for kindergarten."
Parents need to know that the kindergarten their child will attend is related to where the child lives.
"If you go to our district website, you'll find an attendance locator link," Littman said. "Parents do need to identify which school they would naturally attend, depending on the boundaries where their home is located."
Littman said each school will provide information about opening dates for kindergarten and any opportunities to meet and greet teachers and staff before school begins.
"We start during the registration process, so that parents can be aware of getting ready for school," Littman said. "Parents should also become familiar with routes to school, and how to find their school bus via the Trans-finder program on our website, as well as what to expect during those first few days of school."
Littman said parents and others in the community are always welcome to volunteer in the kindergarten classroom.