Missoula City Council Will Offer A Class To Learn About Local Government
Beginning January 15, the Missoula City Council will host a weekly class for members of the community that want to learn more about local government. City Council Vice President Gwen Jones explains.
“It is an eight week class, for two hours one evening a week, where different department heads come in from the city,” Jones said. “We also looped in MCPS for one night for a presentation and the county for one night. We are really focusing on all the things that are going on in local government in Missoula these days and how they are financed.”
According to Jones, they will be taking applications for those who are interested in attending the class. She says they will only have room for about 40 people and that the class is free of charge.
“We are going to prioritize people who are involved in neighborhood councils because they are already part of the process and they made a commitment to service,” Jones said. “That is one factor, but also we are looking to really geographically disperse people across Missoula. We will see how many we get in and then we will try to make a really good group out of that.”
The application will be available on the City of Missoula website. December 28th is the deadline for those who are interested in applying.