Meet the New ‘Voice of the Griz’ – Riley Corcoran
The new 'Voice of the Grizzlies' was announced early Thursday morning, and he is Montana native Riley Corcoran.
KGVO News was one of the many media interviews Corcoran handled on Thursday, and said he was 'humbled and honored to be the guy selected, and I just can't wait to get to Missoula, and now we have three months to wait before football season starts,"
Corcoran said his journey to become Voice of the Griz actually began when he was a kid listening to football and basketball games on the radio, and, that all parts of Montana are passionate about their teams. After all, Corcoran comes to Missoula fresh from being the voice of Bobcat women's basketball, and being a part of the Bobcat football sideline reporting team, as well as baseball play-by-play and hosting a sports show in Boise, Idaho.
"Grew up a Grizzly fan, listening with my family, and coming to Missoula to see Johnny Montana and the Griz during that 2001 championship run," Corcoran said. "Growing up around the rivalry, you respect all sides of it, and of course, with Ty Gregorak going back over to Montana State, it creates a certain dynamic. I'm hopeful that I can jump in and earn the trust of Grizzly fans right away."
Corcoran said he had not yet spoken to UM Athletic Director Kent Haslam about a possible color commentator for football and men's basketball, but that would come as the season gets closer.
By the way, Corcoran said he'd be happy to take me up on my offer to teach him the Grizzly Fight Song, a prerequisite for any true 'Voice of the Griz."
Welcome to Griz Nation...Riley Corcoran.
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