MCPS Public Safety Meeting to Feature Strategies Teachers and Administrators Can Use in Case of School Attack [AUDIO]
How victims respond in the first few minutes of a school attack can make the difference between life and death, according to a New York Times article that will be shared at Tuesday night's school safety public meeting.
Captain Rob Taylor with the Missoula County Sheriff's Department said on Monday, April 22, that what are called 'train the trainer' classes will be presented to the Missoula County Public Schools teachers and administrators.
"We're going to make trainers out of select cops in our law enforcement agencies, and some folks within the school district. The training will equip schools with more tools than just a 'lock-down' procedure. We want to provide training to help teachers think outside the box, take the bull by the horns and be that stop-gap in between a violent incident and the arrival of law enforcement," Taylor said.
"There's a famous saying," Taylor continued, "when seconds count, the cops are only minutes away, and what we want to do is make those minutes meaningful and survivable for these teachers and their kids."
"There's a principle that we call 'Run, Hide, Fight'. We're encouraging teachers is you have an opportunity to get away from the situation, you should run. If you feel you can delay or deter an attacker, hide. And, if all else fails, gather your courage deep within, and with whatever you have at hand, fight," Taylor said.
The meeting will be Tuesday from 5:00 till 7:30 the MCPS business building boardroom at 915 South Avenue West. The meeting is open to the public.