Have you seen the vintage video of kids from the 90s promoting the internet? It popped up in my Instagram feed over the weekend from an account called "irememberthats*%2."

The account posted the video in December of 2022, but it's made its way around the internet for much longer than that. I was curious about it and found an article from the Washington Post dated back to 2012. They aptly point out that it's not certain if the video is actually made in Montana; we're left to rely on what it says on the bumper for the video. But they also point out what many people notice when watching the PSA. The kids make some fairly accurate predictions about the way we use the internet today.

Take a look:

One of the most recent comments on the video just says "....Freakishly accurate" and I would agree. From the observation that by the time the kids are in college the internet will be a place for "telephone, television, shopping center and workplace" to the "cupcakes for my cat" they really hit the nail on the head.

So who are these kids?

Young Montana Media Group

I'm not as good at using the internet as these kids, but I found a reference to "Young Montana Media Group" in this Google Group where they discuss the video. Inside the group, someone posted a YouTube version of the video, and the description says this:

This Public Service Announcement (PSA) was produced in 1995 by the 5th grade students at Ray Bjork school in Helena Montana. All the Internet possibilities mentioned in the script are today a reality. The production won a local ADDY Award in 1996 for Best PSA.

The YouTube video description also says the video was "proposed and produced" by Cynthia Gaffney "as a volunteer."

Where Are They Now?

So if this video has kids that attended fifth grade in Helena, Montana, what do you think the chances are we could track them down as adults? I'd love to see a reenactment done by the original cast. Do you know someone who was in this video? Message us on the app. 

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