Recently there was some surprising news that Radio Shack may be bringing back brick and mortar stores in some parts of the United States, maybe we could get a store or two come back to Montana.

Related: Could This 80's Retail Chain Make a Comeback in Montana? Here's What We Know

The news had us feeling a  bit nostalgic for some businesses that have come and gone over the years in Missoula. Some of these businesses are older than others, and some may have been just a blip in people's lives. Some had enough impact on us that we still miss them to this day.

You May Not Remember All of These Missoula Businesses

Not everyone may remember all of these businesses, Some people had to have been in Missoula at a specific time, not only when the business was here, but also a specific age.

Who Remembers These Small Businesses From Missoula's Past?

If you didn't know about Crickets for example, you probably weren't under 21 years old in the late 1980's and had a chance to hang around downtown Missoula. The Bangkok in the Stephens Center, had my all time favorite spicy fried rice. I still haven't been able to find a replacement in Missoula.

Personal Connection To Some Missoula Businesses

Dairy-Go-Round was a fun little ice cream stand on Russell Street. You could get a soft-serve ice cream, they had vanilla, chocolate and if you were feeling sassy you could get a mix of vanilla and chocolate. Fun fact, one of my amazing aunts named it "Dairy-Go-Round".

The Shack brings back a lot of memories for me, great times with friends, great breakfasts and I knew some of the servers. Fun fact, at one time my father was a part-owner of The Shack, back when it was on Front Street and you could get all-you-can-eat spaghetti for $1.75.

The Heidlehaus made me think that I was in Germany with the dark wood, stained glass, the knights that were carved out of wood, by the restrooms and the steins that I was too young to drink beer out of.

Ming's Chinese Restaurant was the first restaurant that I ever tried hot mustard. It was a pleasant surprise, to this day I order it at every Chinese restaurant I go to.

Here are 22 Businesses We Wish We Could Bring Back to Missoula

Here is the list of 22 More Businesses we wish we could bring back to Missoula.

21 More Missoula Businesses That We Would Like To Return

We wrote about 24 Missoula businesses that you all said you missed. We thought of 21 more that we think should be brought back.

Missoula Businesses You Want To See Come Back

If that is not enough of a walk down memory lane here are even more businesses we wish we could bring back to Missoula.

24 Closed Missoula Businesses We Wish We Could Bring Back

We asked Missoulians which of their favorite businesses that have closed down would they like to see make a triumphant return. Here's what they came up with.

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