It seems like almost weekly Missoula is hit with some sad news that another one of its favorite restaurants is closing its doors. Thankfully, this one isn't permanent.

If you've lived in Missoula for a while, you should have a few of your favorite "hidden gems" when it comes to cuisine. Many of us have our staples, but sadly, the number has been dwindling for some years.

I recently ran across a Facebook post from one of those hidden gems. Pagoda Thai and Chinese cuisine will be closing on October 1st. Tucked in right off of the Orange Street exit, this place has been a favorite go-to. The quality, convenience, and prices keep Pagoda busy from open until close, at least for a little while longer.

Now for the good news

The news of their closing isn't all bad. For once there is a good reason for one of our beloved Missoula favorite eateries to close. Pagoda is doing a business remodel. If you've ever been inside, it's definitely a small space that puts out a ton of orders and could probably use some breathing room. Details were given in the Facebook post:

Exciting News!  Our beloved Thai restaurant is getting a fresh new look!  But before we do, we invite you to join us for some unforgettable meals and memories. Come in and savor our delicious dishes until October 1, when we’ll be closing for the remodel. Stay tuned for updates! Thank you for your continuous support. -Pagoda Thai and Chinese Restaraunt Facbook

No date was given for the completion of their remodel, which is understandable. Construction projects rarely stick directly to a projected timeline. For now, you have some time to get your Pagoda fill before they close down for a while.

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