Early Childhood Screening by MCPS This Week [AUDIO]
Missoula County Public Schools will sponsor an early childhood screening for pre-kindergarten children birth to age 5 on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, at Jefferson School, 1700 South Avenue West, in Missoula.
MCPS Public Affairs Director Leslie Brasfield says the screening is free and available to children that live within the elementary and middle school attendance areas for Missoula County Public Schools. Children will be screened during the following times;
Wednesday from 4 till 7, Thursday from 3 till 7, and Friday from 8 till noon.
Children will be checked for development of vision, hearing, speech and language, fine and gross motor skills, social and intellectual development. The screening is not designed to determine kindergarten readiness, but rather to help parents of young children identify and understand areas of development where their child may need special assistance.
A complete screening and results for parents takes about an hour. Drop-ins will also be served as the schedule allows.
For more details, call 728-2400, extension 1090.