Despite Plagiarism, Montana Teacher’s Union President Still Backing Walsh
The head of Montana's largest union, the combined teachers union MEA-MFT is continuing to support John Walsh over Steve Daines in the upcoming U.S. Senate race even in light of a plagiarism scandal that continues to rock the campaign.
“I’m going to plagiarize now a comment made to me yesterday, this is a direct quote, ‘I’d rather be for a part time plagiarist than a full-time creationist,’” said MEA-MFT President Eric Feaver in an interview with Media Trackers author Ron Catlett.
Catlett's write-up of the conversation, titled "Montana Union Boss: Plagiarism Better than Creationism" also posts comments from Feaver that appeared on the MEA-MFT facebook page after Feaver laid out the case for supporting Walsh over Daines. The comments appear to offer a defense for Walsh's plagiarism:
Permit me to digress. I spent years preparing and practicing to be an academic. In my undergraduate and graduate studies I learned that few ideas are so remarkably new that no one had ever thought of them before . . . and written about them, before. No completely unique academic twist of phrase exists. Hence the flood of footnotes that renders too many graduate school papers damned near unreadable. In this context, only he who is without sin may cast the first stone. Just saying.
For context, here's a link to the entire Facebook post: