Clark Fork River Back to Major Flood Stage Friday, Bitterroot in Flood Stage Thursday
Hot temperatures this week are pushing a bunch more snow melt down the Clark Fork River and Meteorologist Jeff Kitzmiller says we can expect to see the river hit major flood stage again very soon.
"The Clark Fork above Missoula is now supposed to reach major flood stage during the afternoon on the 18th," Kitzmiller said. "Right now we are saying that it will peak out right around 13.34 feet and hold above 13 from Friday afternoon all the way into Saturday."
Missoula experienced almost the exact same flooding and duration last Friday and Saturday, though the water isn’t expected to get quite as deep this time. Flooding is expected to intensify on the Bitterroot too.
"The Bitterroot River near Missoula is now expected to hit flood stage about mid day on Thursday the 17th," Kitzmiller said. "It is forecast to stay in minor flood stage right now. We have it peaking out just around 12 feet at noon on the 19th. Minor flood stage is 11 feet and moderate flood stage is 13 feet."
While the Clark Fork River is predicted to hit Major Flood stage at least twice this month, the Bitterroot River likely won’t, in fact, the Bitterroot River has never hit major flood stage, which is marked at 15 feet.