Blue Mountain Grass Fire Quickly Contained – No Injuries [AUDIO]
A controlled burn in the Blue Mountain area was blown out of control by gusty winds on Sunday afternoon, April 13.
Missoula Rural Fire Captain Forrest Brown said a homeowner in the River Pines area was burning some debris when the wind kicked up and blew the fire into a grassy area nearby.
"We were able to respond with three Type 6's and Type 5's, along with two water tenders, and we were able to keep that blaze to maybe about a half to three-quarters of an acre," Brown said. "It took about 30 minutes to completely control the burn, then units stayed on hand to mop up for about an hour longer."
Brown said the homeowner did have a valid burn permit.
"We determined that he was burning within all the rules and regulations, and he even had all the equipment at hand, like hand tools and hoses, but the wind just pushed the fire too fast for him to control," Brown said. "So, that gives us the chance to remind folks that while it's still early spring and things seem like they shouldn't burn, with a little breeze and a warm, sunny day, things can still get out of control in a hurry."