Black Bear Spotted Up Pattee Canyon
Not out of the ordinary to see bears this time of year but a reminder to be watchful. We weren't that far up Patte Canyon and there was a black bear (a brown black bear).
We were up Pattee Canyon just about two miles. My friend had spotted him and then he dissappeared. We grabbed the binoculars and started looking for him and my friend spotted him again. I was able to see him and it was so cool. He saw us and didn't do much, we kept a healthy distance.
I love seeing wildlife out and about but it's always good to make sure you are preprared. we had bear spray and the car was just feet away. There were a couple hikers that we warned was a bear up ahead, even though the bear had probably heading away from us and the noise. Just in case though use caution but enjoy this majestic landscape and it's inhabitants.
Sorry the pictures are not closer but then I would be violating what I just talked about. You can see the bear though once you know what you are looking for.
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