I’m an attorney with a deep and abiding passion for the environment and chasing that elusive chimera “justice.” I am pro-oxford comma, I double space after a sentence, and I have argued to an expert that a double period lent clarity - and won.
BIA Sexual Assault Victim Sues to Hold the Federal Government Liable
The argument will be in the case L.B. v. USA, in which a woman seeks to hold the federal government liable for an on-duty Bureau of Indian Affairs officer’s sexual assault of her, which resulted in her pregnancy.
Standing Rock Protest Case Decided by 8th Circuit Court of Appeals
On March 14, 2022, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit issued an opinion in a case involving claims against law enforcement and municipalities related to the Dakota Access pipeline protests.
Montana Attorneys Learn About Title IX, and You Can Too
The new species was described in a paper published March 8 in the journal Nature Communications, and was named Syllipsimopodi bideni, as in President Biden.