
Tainted Montana Town Reaches Cleanup Milestone
Tainted Montana Town Reaches Cleanup Milestone
Tainted Montana Town Reaches Cleanup Milestone
BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — On the site of a vermiculite plant that once spewed deadly asbestos dust across the mountain community of Libby, grass is sprouting and freshly-planted trees are taking root in a new town park. It's a dose of normalcy for Libby, a mining town near the Canadian border that became synonymous with lung disease and death...
Montana’s Giant Cedar Trees Stretch Skyward
Montana’s Giant Cedar Trees Stretch Skyward
Montana’s Giant Cedar Trees Stretch Skyward
TROY, Mont. (AP) — Western Montana's forests are home to some of the state's largest and oldest trees, including the dense 100-acre site called Ross Creek Cedars where some of these giants grow to 10 feet in diameter. Some of these deep forest monsters near Troy, Montana date back to about 1492, where a continent away Columbus was exploring the New World...

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