Tonight, Peter will be hosting a debate with the candidates for Luitenant governor. I told him I'd write up some questions for him to use, so here we go:

1. In 2011 our current Governor and Lt. Governor accepted a pay raise that most other statewide officials turned down. Do you think the Lt. Governor deserves to make $86, 632 a year? Would you deny a pay raise if offered one?

2. According to the Montana State constitution the Lt. Governor “…shall perform the duties provided by law and those delegated to him by the governor." What duties will your running mate delegate to you?

3. Traditionally, the Lt. Governor is seen as a cultural ambassador of sorts. How would you describe the culture and people of Montana to a foreign emissary.

4. The Lt. Governor will be a chair or co-chair on a variety of boards and councils. Tell us about a board you are eager to sit on and how you would influence it.?

5. Jobs and the economy are the number one issue for most of the nation right now. How will you use your role as Lt. Governor to improve the lot of all Montanans?

That's all I've got right now, I'm interested to see what kind of questions you folks have. Of course, feel free to leave any questions you have for the governor position as well. Don't forget the Gubernatorial Candidate forum on Friday or the Lt. Gov. Debate going on tonight.

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