Memorial Day 2021 began at 7:00 a.m. at the Western Montana Veterans Cemetery with a sunrise service planned and hosted by the United Veterans Council.
It was a cool but beautiful Memorial Day sunrise at Missoula’s Crosspoint Community Church as the annual service organized by the United Veterans Council took place just after 6:00 a.m.
The first of 36 wreath-laying ceremonies to commemorate Memorial Day in Missoula revealed a poignant memory for local U.S. Naval Master Chief Petty Officer Terry Zieba.
A sparse crowd of about 50 people, not counting participants, were at Rose Memorial Park on Sunday afternoon to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the 9-11 terrorist attacks on America.
From Flag Day to the 4th of July, Veterans Day to Memorial Day, one indomitable force has been behind every patriotic celebration in Missoula, Susan Campbell Reneau.
Several generations of soldiers, some active duty, but most retired, along with dozens of onlookers, gathered near the Doughboy statue on the grounds of the Missoula County Courthouse to honor their fallen brethren on Memorial Day, 2015.