Memorial Day Services began at the Western Montana Veterans Memorial Cemetery at 7:00 a.m., the first of 12 services throughout the day, sponsored by the United Veterans Council.
It was a bittersweet moment for this reporter to visit with Missoula Police Public Information Officer Travis Welsh one last time before his well-deserved retirement on Friday.
Once a month, City of Missoula Communications Director Ginny Merriam brings a guest to the ‘City Talk’ edition of Talk Back, and on Friday the guest was Missoula Police Department Public Information Officer Travis Welsh.
It was eight years ago on Monday, that Sergeant Bob Heinle of the Missoula Police Department died after being shot in the line of duty in October, 1998.
Missoula Police are still searching for suspects from a weekend robbery. Police Public Information Officer Travis Welsh explains.
"It was first reported Saturday morning, early, about 3:23 a.m. at a motel in the 800 block of E. Broadway," said Missoula Police Public Information Officer Travis Welsh...
Missoula Police have a man in custody who was arrested shortly after store employees found him cutting tags off of clothing in a local store on Monday night.