The Big Sky Documentary Film Festival Starts Next WeekThe Big Sky Documentary Film Festival Starts Next WeekThe 17th Annual Big Sky Documentary Film Festival starts Friday February 14 and you won’t want to miss it.Nick ChrestensonNick Chrestenson
Sick Juror Delays Theater Shooting SentencingSick Juror Delays Theater Shooting SentencingThe sentencing hearing for Colorado theater shooter James Holmes has been canceled for the day because a juror is ill.Associated PressAssociated Press
Montana Getting Its First IMAX TheatersMontana Getting Its First IMAX TheatersWell it's finally happening, Montana is getting it's first IMAX theaters.Charene HerreraCharene Herrera
Montana State University Billings to Cut Programs to Address BudgetMontana State University Billings to Cut Programs to Address BudgetBILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Montana State University Billings is eliminating its theater program, its tennis teams and cutting 40 staff positions to address a projected $4.4 million budget shortfall due to decreased enrollment.Associated PressAssociated Press