When a student resides in a Missoula County Public School district, but the parents choose a school out of the district, MCPS loses the revenue from that student.
The construction has been making steady progress at the new Jeanette Rankin Elementary School in Lower Miller Creek, however, residents and city officials are looking at potential traffic flow problems.
One small part of Tuesday's election was the choice to allow the Missoula County School District the power to negotiate the price and terms for the new Cold Springs School location in Lower Miller Creek.
The new principal for Hellgate High School was named on Wednesday as Judson Miller, presently the principal at North Kitsap High School in Kitsap, Washington, and...he's a Bobcat.
Missoula County Public Schools Superintendent Mark Thane announced on Wednesday, March 2, 2016 that Mrs. Lisa Hendrix will serve as the Principal of C.S. Porter Middle School in the 2016-17 school year.
MCPS Superintendent Mark Thane faced a small group of reporters and at least one Hellgate High School parent Tuesday afternoon and addressed the data breach that occurred last Friday.