Imagine... coming off I-90 at the Orange Street exit and encountering a giant five-spoke roundabout instead of the traffic pattern you've been used to for so many years.
One small part of Tuesday's election was the choice to allow the Missoula County School District the power to negotiate the price and terms for the new Cold Springs School location in Lower Miller Creek.
UPDATE 12:00 noon Monday, October 3.
Missoula police are investigating what appears to be a possible burglary in the 4800 block of Scott Allen Drive in Upper Miller Creek that occurred at around 3:30 a.m. on Monday.
Construction on another traffic-calming roundabout will begin on Tuesday, September 3 at the three-way intersection of Toole Avenue, Scott Street, and Spruce Street on Missoula's north side. Construction manager for the city of Missoula, Doug Harby, said last week that this roundabout differs in some ways from others recently installed in Missoula.
Just about sunset on Friday night, June 14, a group of young people decided that the middle of the Miller Creek Road roundabout was a good place to have a card party.