MISSOULA, Mont. (AP) A Polson man has died of injuries he suffered in a March 20 motorcycle crash on Montana Highway 200, just east of Clearwater Junction.
The victim in Sunday evening's fatal collision between a motorcycle and a pickup truck in western Montana has been identified as a 30 year-old Missoula man.
The victim of a Saturday, October 26 fatal motorcycle accident on Highway 12, west of Missoula has been identified as Christopher Ewell Tucker, 41, a University of Montana student from Biloxi, Mississippi.
A motorcycle-bus accident on Saturday afternoon on Missoula's north side resulted in the death of the motorcyclist, identified by the Missoula County Sheriff's Department as Paul Lawrence Harrison, 49, with a Washington State drivers license, who listed his address as the Poverello Center. .
UPDATE - Monday, April 1, 7:45 a.m.
Missoula County Sheriff's department spokesman Jason Johnson has released the name of the victim of Saturday afternoon's motorcycle crash near Lolo. Johnson says 31 year-old Frank Schwindt died of blunt force trauma to the head and back. Johnson said Schwindt was not wearing a helmet when his motorcycle went off the road and tumbled into a ditch.
The Montana Hig