On Friday, Missoula mayor John Engen canceled the proposed sidewalk project for the Slant Street neighborhood due to its high cost and the financial burden it would cause for property owners.
In March, the City of Missoula conducted a survey in which the top three concerns were affordable housing, high property taxes and city streets, and a citizen’s open house has been scheduled to discuss the issues on Tuesday, May 22.
In January, 2017, Attorney General Tim Fox issued his final opinion that the Missoula Gun Ordinance violated several sections of Montana state law. At a press conference on Wednesday, Mayor John Engen announced that the city has officially appealed that decision to the Fourth Judicial District Court in Missoula.
Hellgate High School senior Ian Knight was honored on Tuesday at City Hall for winning the Grand Prize in the U.S. State Department’s nationwide 2017 Citizen Diplomacy Challenge for a photo entitled ‘Unity’.
100 year sentence for a Missoula man convicted of giving drugs to underage girls and then raping them. None of Erik Nugent's sentence will be suspended.
At the Missoula City Council's Committee of the Whole on Wednesday, Mayor John Engen said the expected city tax increase has been neutralized by an increase in the overall tax base of Missoula property.
After a Missoula City Council meeting that took less than 30 minutes, two important agreements were approved that takes the city closer to the official takeover of Mountain Water Company.