A Missoula woman has been arrested and charged with attempted deliberate homicide after allegedly shooting a man in her home, with whom she was in a prior relationship.
On the campaign trail, current State Auditor and Insurance Commissioner Matt Rosendale spoke with KGVO News on Thursday about his plan to ‘Reignite our Economy’ should he be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in November.
Hundreds of faithful Democrats jammed the Missoula Holiday Inn Downtown for a rally to support the two most hotly contested national races with Senator Jon Tester and House candidate Kathleen Williams.
One fact that pollster Sara Rinfret with the University of Montana absolutely confirms is that everyone hates negative political adds, but, ironically, that they do really work.
Nearly 10,000 adoring fans cheered, laughed and chanted ‘USA’ ‘USA’ ‘USA’ in the Minuteman Jet Center hangar as President Donald Trump promoted Matt Rosendale and Greg Gianforte in the November 6 general election.
Kathleen Williams, the Montana Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives appeared on the KGVO Radio Talk Back show on Friday to answer questions from audience members, as well as those following on Facebook.
While it was news earlier this week that Montana Democrat US House candidate Kathleen Williams says she will not support Nancy Pelosi, it's even bigger news that Williams is now running an ad against Pelosi.
Republican Matt Rosendale will face incumbent Jon Tester in November in an effort to have a clean Republican sweep of Montana's Congressional delegation