FWP Says All Fishing Restrictions In Region 2 Have Been LiftedFWP Says All Fishing Restrictions In Region 2 Have Been Lifted Fish, Wildlife and Parks have lifted all fishing restrictions in Region 2 because temperatures have cooled down quite a bit.Nick ChrestensonNick Chrestenson
New Fishing Restrictions on the Bitterroot? FWP explains…New Fishing Restrictions on the Bitterroot? FWP explains…A limit to the number of commercial fishing guides on the Bitterroot is one of many proposals being considered by FWP and the Bitterroot River Recreation Committee. Nick ChrestensonNick Chrestenson
New Hoot Owl Fishing Restrictions for Missoula CountyNew Hoot Owl Fishing Restrictions for Missoula CountyMontana Fish Wildlife and Parks announced new hoot owl restrictions for Missoula County Yesterday, July 29.Jon KingJon King