Harmon’s Histories: Missoula’s last train robbery was a dynamiting doozyHarmon’s Histories: Missoula’s last train robbery was a dynamiting doozyIt was the last of the great Missoula-area train robberies. Dynamite (and lots of it) was used.Missoula CurrentMissoula Current
Avian Influenza Reported in a Hunter Harvested Wild Bird in MontanaAvian Influenza Reported in a Hunter Harvested Wild Bird in MontanaA hunter-harvested mallard duck in Fergus County was sampled by wildlife services and a specific strain of influenza was found.Nick ChrestensonNick Chrestenson
Montana Approves License for Bobcat Fur FarmMontana Approves License for Bobcat Fur FarmMontana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has approved a license for a bobcat fur farm in Fergus County.Associated PressAssociated Press