Incident Commander – Wear a Face Mask – Again – Wear a Face MaskIncident Commander – Wear a Face Mask – Again – Wear a Face MaskCOVID 19 Incident Commander Cindy Farr provided Tuesday’s You Tube presentation from the Missoula City County Health Department and the message was loud and clear; wear a face mask.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Montana has the 7th Fewest COVID 19 Restrictions in the U.S.Montana has the 7th Fewest COVID 19 Restrictions in the U.S.The financial website Wallet Hub said this week that Montana continues to be the state with the 7th fewest COVID 19 restrictions in the United States.Peter ChristianPeter Christian
Health Department now Strongly Recommends Cloth Face MasksHealth Department now Strongly Recommends Cloth Face MasksThe Missoula County Health Board is now recommending that the public wear cloth face coverings.Peter ChristianPeter Christian