KGVO spoke with Cindy Farr, Missoula City County Health Department Incident Commander on Friday about plans to distribute a new supply of at-home test kits from the State of Montana.
If your business has 100 or more employees, locally, regionally or nationally, the new OSHA ETS (Emergency Temporary Standard) places a huge burden that may include thousands of dollars in fines for any employee who is not fully vaccinated against COVID 19, and it could get worse; much worse.
Efforts to get children ages 5 to 11 vaccinated against COVID-19 are in high gear at several venues around Missoula, with appointments through both hospitals, the MCPS, and other facilities, including the University of Montana Pharmacy.
The Missoula City County Health Department told KGVO News on Monday that it is participating in the National Month of Action, working towards a goal of 70 percent of Missoula County residents receiving at least one dose of the several COVID 19 vaccines.
The Missoula City County Health Department’s Epidemiological Situation Unit held a ZOOM press conference on Wednesday to provide an update on the effort to reach herd immunity through vaccination against COVID 19.
Eric Beyer, owner and pharmacist at Granite Pharmacy in Missoula, described to KGVO this week just how he and his local pharmacy became the go-to source for Missoula County Public Schools personnel to receive their COVID 19 vaccinations.