Man Charged With Felony Assault, Victim was Bloody & UnconsciousMan Charged With Felony Assault, Victim was Bloody & Unconscious9-1-1 received one or more phone calls reporting a physical fight outside the Bodega bar located in downtown Missoula.Nick ChrestensonNick Chrestenson
Missoula Experiences Another Busy Crime Week, A Bar Fight Resulted In A Felony ChargeThe Missoula County Attorney’s Office dealt with a handful of new cases this past week. Nick ChrestensonNick Chrestenson
Montana Man Seriously Hurt in Fight Over Racial RemarkMontana Man Seriously Hurt in Fight Over Racial RemarkRecently released documents show two men brutally beat a Montana man outside a Wyoming saloon after an argument over a racial remark.Associated PressAssociated Press