Montana State Auditor and Commissioner of Securities and Insurance Troy Downing asked to appear on the Montana Morning News show to express his views on the situation in Afghanistan.
With Afghanistan on the precipice of falling to the Taliban after U.S. troops were pulled out of the country, University of Montana history professor Mehrdad Kia appeared on Monday’s Talk Back program to speak of the country he knows so well.
Montana Congressman Steve Daines was in Missoula on Monday in the Florence Hotel Governor's Room to confer Purple Heart Medals of Valor to three veterans, one posthumously, during a Decoration Ceremony .
Many may believe that America’s involvement in the Middle East is basically over with, but that’s actually far from the truth. The reality is that the U.S. still has numerous troops stationed overseas working around the clock to protect America’s interests...
Senator Jon Tester is calling on the VA to safeguard the health of American veterans by establishing a list of burn pits used by the military in Iraq and Afghanistan to dispose of waste materials.
A U.S. Army soldier from Idaho Falls has died from injuries sustained in an explosion in Afghanistan, family members say.
Lisa Pardonnet said her nephew, 28-year-old Army Corporal Ryan Sharp, died Saturday at a hospital in Germany.
Pardonnet said Sharp was scheduled to finish his third and final tour for the Army next year...