Johnny Vincent, affectionately known as Johnny V, is a seasoned radio personality with a remarkable three-decade-long career in the industry. His journey in the world of broadcasting led him to Rockford in 2010, where he quickly made a name for himself on former radio station 101QFL, which later became K-Love. Johnny's outstanding contributions to the field were recognized when he received a prestigious Silver Dome Award from the Illinois Broadcasters Association in 2018. Johnny loves his Boston Terrier, Wrigley, and his devotion to the Chicago Cubs is unwavering. As the energetic host of "The Ride Home" on Q 98.5, Johnny brings a unique blend of charm, humor, local happenings, and country music to the airwaves, making him a cherished voice in the lives of many listeners around the Rockford region
Johnny V
Another Billings Business Robbed By Suspect with Bat
For the second time in less than a week, Billings Police are investigating a robbery at a local business involving a baseball bat.
Billings Police Investigate Stabbing in Heights, Juvenile Suffers Multiple Wounds
An early morning stabbing in Billings Heights sent one youth to the hospital on Monday (3/28), according to a post on social media.
Dramatic Videos of Structure Fire at Refinery in Billings
Several videos showing the towering flames from a refinery fire in Lockwood, Montana on Saturday night (3/27) have surfaced on social media.
See This Amazing Luxury Residence Inside a Billings Packing Warehouse
If you drive down Montana Avenue and pass the turn to the 90 Business Loop at North 18th Street and continue to the dead end, you would never know there's a luxury condo unit nearby.
Montana Gamer Goes Pro, Top 20 Pick by Atlanta in NBA 2K Draft
He grew up working on a ranch while going to school for marketing at Montana State University and is now one of the state's first gamers to turn professional. That's Witness.
Two Men in Their 20’s Dead After Shooting on Billings’ South Side
Billings Police are investigating a double homicide that happened early on Tuesday morning (1/25) on the south side of the city.
Identity of 15-Year Old Killed at Park in Billings Heights Released
The identity of the teenager who was shot and killed over the weekend has been released by the Yellowstone County Sheriffs' office.
UPDATE: Deceased Male Found at Base of The Rims in Billings
Billings Police have been on the scene since mid-afternoon after a body was found at the base of the Rims, according to a post on the @BillingsPD Twitter page.
Passengers Flee After Vehicle Slams Into Residence Near Downtown Billings
Billings Police are looking for an unidentified driver of a vehicle that drove into the side of a house near downtown on Saturday night (12/11).
Billings Police Investigating Threat to Skyview HS on Social Media
A social media post made on Monday (12/6) has area law enforcement on high alert following an apparent threat to a local high school, according to Billings Police.